As i am becoming a really rubbish blogger before i have even started i thought id share today with you...I was sat in Rhode Island today, a cute little coffee shop (you really should visit) and it came to mind how much work i had to have in for this morning. Graphics is really becoming a drag. I had my designs finished and ready to print, but found myself questioning myself... am i actually doing what i love anymore? The answer is, umm... no I'm not. Graphics used to be a love of mine, and thanks to the pathetic teacher its not anymore, but I'm happy to be concentrating a lot more on fashion. So i sipped my 'scrumptious hot chocolate' and scratched my designs and come up with a better idea for my final piece. I pulled out my sketch book and attempted, maybe failed some fashion illustrations. Yes, they are pretty horrendous (so please don't laugh) its only a mock... Ive never attempted to sketch before, apart from pretty hilarious doodles which i find myself resorting to in every English exam.
I just picked up a pencil and sketched some ideas from my head. Their most likely not in fashion now, or overly wearable... but like i said, don't laugh. I'm basically going to use the designs as a front cover of a book i'm creating for my final project, 'The Fashion Bible'. Ill post my designs on here and pretty please comment as my blog is looking pretty bare with out you all. I don't want to give up either (shrugs) and in return i shall eventually, soon post some photos of my outfits as i realise until i do that, i really am a rubbish blogger!
A spring/summer evening and day dress. Layered with Under netting. A see-through netted chest.
An underwear outwear garment in nude pastel shade with deep deep pink boning.
Puff ball skirt made up of roses (which i couldn't have drawn even if attempted)
Casual wear, a beige/nude cashmere cardigan, with duffel buttons, blue round neck polo, white
blouse and blue high wasted denim shorts
I know they are all pretty awful, but this is the most unfinished, i couldn't decide on colour or anything. So... there you go, let me know what you think and i'll upload the finished design soon.