Wednesday, 17 March 2010


After studying graphics for the past two years, im really not into it anymore. I wandered my way into a textiles room at college and realised how much i missed the creativity. Now with inspiration flowing im revamping my graphics work and having lots of fun. Meanwhile i decided to create some fashion boards instead of just typing. Its all a little pixalated so ill place the text of what i wrote underneath... enjoy.

Im probably looking way to early, but i simply just can not wait. I wish it would hurry up to be quite honest, summer. The one thing every girl on this earth loves (if they dont , they need a good shake) is festivals. I'm the worlds worst camper, moaning at the state of my uncleanliness and lack of hair straighteners but the live music and flowing alcohol makes it much more entertaining. After missing out on V fest tickets (always wanting what i cant have) im opting for Leeds, and already planning my festival outfits, sad or what. I'll most likely just throw a pair of denim shorts, wellies and a cardie, but who cares. Lets explore.

MKO pulls if this look perfectly. Relaxed fashion is back. Dark grungy layered knits are back in this festival season with battered leathers. Cobweb knits are layered over lace trimmed, delicate slips and slinky petticoats. The festival Friend, the parka, is still around but studded to give it this seasons revamp. Girly details such as lace, embroidery and delicate prints stick around to make this a little more feminie but teamed with a pair of ripped leggings, eroding boots and heave accessories , its a grungy look with a girly twist.